Baltic Sea Tourism Center

Das Baltic Sea Tourism Center (BSTC) verfolgt das Ziel, operationelle Strukturen für eine verbesserte Kommunikation und Kooperation im Ostseeraum zu entwickeln. Das BSTC soll dabei als Schnittstelle die touristischen Schlüsselakteure in einer festen Struktur vereinen und die Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen, verantwortungsvollen und langfristigen Kooperationsplattform für den Tourismus im Ostseeraum fördern

Project summary

– applied in the 2nd call of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 – 2020

Tourism, especially sustainable, maritime and international, is identified as an important factor for blue and green growth in the EU, however facing common challenges like seasonality. Moreover, the EUSBSR Action Plan states that tourism in the region is non-cooperative, especially due to “an asymmetric readiness to cooperate at transnational level“. Strategic and political structures have been created with the EUSBSR PA Tourism and the Steering-Committee of national tourism ministries. However, a gap of operational services has to be closed ensuring the involvement of tourism organisations and businesses to realise the green and blue growth potential and to make the destination globally competitive.

With the aim to establish and improve cross-border tourism communication and cooperation, project partners from Lithuania, Poland, Denmark and Germany developed a concept for a permanent service unit – the Baltic Sea Tourism Center. It associates key tourism stakeholders and promotes sustainable and international tourism in and beyond the SBR as an intermediate on operational level. During the three year project lifetime, the team set-up operational structures for sustainable tourism communication and cooperation at transnational level (BSTC service unit); (2) investigated, developed and implemented sustainable ACTIVE TOURISM products in the green and blue tourism market around cultural and natural heritage assets to extend the tourist season and (3) launched a smart international destination campaign in selected source markets to increase the number of international visitors to the SBR. The ACTIVE TOURISM products as well as the destination campaign produced best-practices to demonstrate the capabilities of the BSTC service unit for future partners/members. As a flagship project, the BSTC directly implements the EUSBSR action plan and will have a considerable impact on sustainable and international tourism development in the region.

Project title: BSTC: Baltic Sea Tourism Center – Sustainable development structures for ACTIVE TOURISM

Project duration
01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

Project total eligible budget
1.502.935,50 EUR

Lead Partner: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Tourist Board
Project Partner: Pomorskie Tourist Board, Danish Tourism Innovation – Visit East Denmark, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, Association „Klaipeda region“

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Anne Vollerthum (Baltic Sea Cooperation / BSTC)
ph +49 (0)381 4030 653 | mail



News can be found on:




Biking South Baltic

Vereint in einem radtouristischen Produkt wird im Projekt ‚Biking South Baltic!‘ eine verbesserte Bewerbung, Verbindung und Koordinierung von natürlichen und kulturellen Ressourcen im südlichen Ostseeraum realisiert werden. Auf Basis der EuroVelo Route 10 (Ostseeküsten Route) wird dabei ein besonderer Fokus auf den Abschnitt zwischen Kopenhagen und Danzig gelegt. Projektpartner aus Polen, Deutschland und Dänemark werden in dem Projekt die Sichtbarkeit des südlichen Ostseeraumes als Radreisedestination erhöhen, den Zugang zu relevanten Informationen erleichtern und neue, innovative und umweltfreundliche Ansätze entwickeln und testen.

Das Projekt ist im Januar 2017 gestartet und fand mit dem Kick Off Meeting in Danzig mit allen Partnern statt. In gemeinsamen Kooperationen wird der Ostseeküstenradweges – EuroVelo 10 – neu analysiert und Befragungen zum Radreiseverhalten durchgeführt. Anhand dieser Datenerhebung sollen die schwächeren Regionen gestärkt und die Attraktivität des Radfernweges gestärkt werden.

Project summary

– applied in the 2nd call of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014–2020 –

Project focuses on improvement, promotion, connection and coordination of the natural and cultural tourist resources of South Baltic areas‘ coastal regions as a crossborder, sustainable, well-recognized cycle tourism product: Baltic Sea Cycle Route Copenhagen-Gdańsk. Building cross-border cooperation in the field of cycling tourism between South Baltic countries will increase the sustainability of tourism in the whole region. Most of the cycle tourists travel off-season, cycle routes connect remote coastal areas with popular resorts, which makes the regional tourism offer more sustainable and tourism movement more balanced in space and time.

Specific objectives of project are establishing the long-term, sustainable strategy of development the Baltic Sea Cycle Route as a flagship active tourism product in SB area, increasing the visibility of South Baltic area as a cycle tourist destination, improving access to the tourism information of active tourism products/services in this region, testing, implementing, evaluating and disseminating new, innovative and eco-friendly solutions/services for the cycle routes infrastructure. Project includes WP-s: WP3 – strategy, WP4 – information network and new packages, WP5 – promotion campaign, WP6 – preparation/testing innovative pilot investment on the route.

Planned project result is increased popularity, attractiveness and visibility of coastal tourist attractions of South Baltic area, connected, promoted and integrated as a common, cross-border, sustainable, active tourism product – Baltic Sea Cycle Route Copenhagen-Gdańsk. Main project beneficiares are: (1) visitors – cycle tourist, (2) product stakeholders – public, private and NGO-s on the route. Project is innovative as main tourism stakeholders from partners‘ countries work together with cycle tourism NGO-s and ECF – the owner of EuroVelo brand, implementing common long-term strategy of route development focused on route stakeholders and target audience.

Project Title
BSB – Biking South Baltic

Project Duration
01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019

Project total eligible budget
988.036,69 EUR

Lead Partner:        Pomorskie Tourist Board
Project Partners:   Pomorskie Voivodeship, Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, Danish Cycling Tourism, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Tourist Board, European Cyclists‘ Federation, Centre for Regional and Tourism Research



Sebastian Hugo Witzel – Projectmanager
ph      (+49) 381 4030 624

